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import TransformFormat  from '../../transform/TransformFormat';

import ModuleAverage    from '../../module/report/averages/ModuleAverage';
import ModuleReport     from '../../module/report/ModuleReport';

import ReportType       from '../../types/ReportType';

import MathUtil         from '../../utils/MathUtil';
import ObjectUtil       from '../../utils/ObjectUtil';
import StringUtil       from '../../utils/StringUtil';

 * Provides the default project report object which stores data pertaining to all modules / files contained.
 * All modules are stored in the `modules` member variable as ModuleReports.
 * Various helper methods found in ModuleReport and AbstractReport help increment associated data during collection.
export default class ProjectReport
    * Returns the enum for the report type.
    * @returns {ReportType}
   get type() { return ReportType.PROJECT; }

    * Initializes ProjectReport with default values.
    * @param {Array<ModuleReport>}  moduleReports - An array of ModuleReports for each module / file processed.
    * @param {object}               settings - An object hash of the settings used in generating this report via
    *                                          ESComplexProject.
   constructor(moduleReports = void 0, settings = { serializeModules: true })
       * Stores the settings used to generate the project report.
       * @type {object}
      this.settings = typeof settings === 'object' ? settings : { serializeModules: true };

       * Stores a compacted form of the adjacency matrix. Each row index corresponds to the same report index.
       * Each row entry corresponds to a report index. These relationships dictate the dependencies between all
       * report ModuleReports given the source paths.
       * @type {Array<Array<number>>}
      this.adjacencyList = void 0;

       * Measures the average percentage of modules affected when one module / file in the project is changed.
       * Lower is better.
       * @type {number}
      this.changeCost = 0;

       * Measures the percentage of modules that are widely depended on which also depend on other modules.
       * Lower is better.
       * @type {number}
      this.coreSize = 0;

       * Stores any analysis errors.
       * @type {Array}
      this.errors = [];

       * Measures the percentage of all possible internal dependencies that are actually realized in the project.
       * Lower is better.
       * @type {number}
      this.firstOrderDensity = 0;

       * Stores the average module metric data.
       * @type {ModuleAverage}
      this.moduleAverage = new ModuleAverage();

       * Stores all ModuleReport data for the project sorted by the module / files `srcPath`.
       * @type {Array<ModuleReport>}
      this.modules = Array.isArray(moduleReports) ?
       moduleReports.sort((lhs, rhs) => { return StringUtil.compare(lhs.srcPath, rhs.srcPath); }) : [];

       * Stores a compacted form of the visibility matrix. Each row index corresponds to the same report index.
       * Each row entry corresponds to a report index. These relationships dictate the reverse visibility between all
       * report ModuleReports which may indirectly impact the given module / file.
       * @type {Array<Array<number>>}
      this.visibilityList = void 0;

    * Clears all errors stored in the project report and by default any module reports.
    * @param {boolean}  clearChildren - (Optional) If false then class and module method errors are not cleared;
    *                                   default (true).
   clearErrors(clearChildren = true)
      this.errors = [];

      if (clearChildren)
         this.modules.forEach((report) => { report.clearErrors(); });

    * Finalizes the ProjectReport. If `settings.serializeModules` is false output just `filePath`, `srcPath` &
    * `srcPathAlias` entries of modules.
    * @param {object}      options - (Optional) Allows overriding of ModuleReport serialization.
    * @property {boolean}  serializeModules - Allows overriding of ModuleReport serialization; default: true.
    * @returns {ProjectReport}
   finalize(options = {})
      if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`finalize error: 'options' is not an 'object'.`); }

      let serializeModules = this.getSetting('serializeModules', true);

      // Allow an override opportunity.
      if (typeof options.serializeModules === 'boolean') { serializeModules = options.serializeModules; }

      if (serializeModules)
         this.modules.forEach((report) => { report.finalize(); });
         this.modules = this.modules.map((report) =>
            return { filePath: report.filePath, srcPath: report.srcPath, srcPathAlias: report.srcPathAlias };

      return MathUtil.toFixedTraverse(this);

    * Gets all errors stored in the project report and by default any module reports.
    * @param {object}   options - Optional parameters.
    * @property {boolean}  includeChildren - If false then module errors are not included; default (true).
    * @property {boolean}  includeReports - If true then the result will be an array of object hashes containing
    *                                       `source` (the source report object of the error) and `error`
    *                                       (an AnalyzeError instance) keys and related `module`, `class` entries as;
    *                                       default (false).
    * @returns {Array<AnalyzeError|{error: AnalyzeError, source: *}>}
   getErrors(options = { includeChildren: true, includeReports: false })
      /* istanbul ignore if */
      if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`getErrors error: 'options' is not an 'object'.`); }

      // By default set includeChildren to true if not already defined.
      /* istanbul ignore if */
      if (typeof options.includeChildren !== 'boolean') { options.includeChildren = true; }

      // If `includeReports` is true then return an object hash with the source and error otherwise return the error.
      let errors = options.includeReports ? this.errors.map((entry) => { return { error: entry, source: this }; }) :

      // If `includeChildren` is true then traverse all children reports for errors.
      if (options.includeChildren)
         this.modules.forEach((report) => { errors.push(...report.getErrors(options)); });

      // If `options.query` is defined then filter errors against the query object.
      if (typeof options.query === 'object')
         errors = errors.filter((error) => ObjectUtil.safeEqual(options.query, error));

      return errors;

    * Returns the supported transform formats.
    * @returns {Object[]}
   static getFormats()
      return TransformFormat.getFormats(ReportType.PROJECT);

    * Returns the name / id associated with this report.
    * @returns {string}
      return '';

    * Returns the setting indexed by the given key.
    * @param {string}   key - A key used to store the setting parameter.
    * @param {*}        defaultValue - A default value to return if no setting for the given key is currently stored.
    * @returns {*}
   getSetting(key, defaultValue = undefined)
      /* istanbul ignore if */
      if (typeof key !== 'string' || key === '')
         throw new TypeError(`getSetting error: 'key' is not a 'string' or is empty.`);

      return typeof this.settings === 'object' && typeof this.settings[key] !== 'undefined' ? this.settings[key] :

    * Deserializes a JSON object representing a ProjectReport.
    * @param {object}   object - A JSON object of a ProjectReport that was previously serialized.
    * @param {object}   options - Optional parameters.
    * @property {boolean}  skipFinalize - If true then automatic finalization is skipped where applicable.
    * @returns {ProjectReport}
   static parse(object, options = { skipFinalize: false })
      /* istanbul ignore if */
      if (typeof object !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`parse error: 'object' is not an 'object'.`); }

      /* istanbul ignore if */
      if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`parse error: 'options' is not an 'object'.`); }

      const projectReport = Object.assign(new ProjectReport(), object);

      if (projectReport.modules.length > 0)
         projectReport.modules = projectReport.modules.map((report) => ModuleReport.parse(report));

      // Must automatically finalize if serializeModules is false.
      if (!options.skipFinalize && !projectReport.getSetting('serializeModules', true)) { projectReport.finalize(); }

      return projectReport;

    * Sets the setting indexed by the given key and returns true if successful.
    * @param {string}   key - A key used to store the setting parameter.
    * @param {*}        value - A value to set to `this.settings[key]`.
    * @returns {boolean}
   setSetting(key, value)
      /* istanbul ignore if */
      if (typeof key !== 'string' || key === '')
         throw new TypeError(`setSetting error: 'key' is not a 'string' or is empty.`);

      if (this.settings === 'object')
         this.settings[key] = value;
         return true;

      return false;

    * Formats this ProjectReport given the type.
    * @param {string}   name - The name of formatter to use.
    * @param {object}   options - (Optional) One or more optional parameters to pass to the formatter.
    * @returns {string}
   toFormat(name, options = undefined)
      return TransformFormat.format(this, name, options);