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import FormatTextAdjacency from '../text/FormatTextAdjacency';

 * Provides a format transform for ModuleReport / ProjectReport instances converting a matrix list into markdown.
export default class FormatMarkdownAdjacency extends FormatTextAdjacency
   constructor(headers = {}, keys = {})
      super(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s_DEFAULT_HEADERS), headers), keys);

    * Gets the file extension.
    * @returns {string}
   get extension()
      return 'md';

    * Gets the format name.
    * @returns {string}
   get name()
      return 'markdown-adjacency';

// Module private ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Defines the default headers added to any output strings..
 * @type {{entryPrepend: string, entryWrapper: string, textHeader: string}}
 * @ignore
   entryPrepend: '* ',
   entryWrapper: '`',
   textHeader: '* Adjacency (dependencies / numerical indices correspond to ProjectReport modules / reports):\n'