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 * This is an abstract class that is not intended to be used directly. Extend it to turn your class into an enum
 * (initialization is performed via `MyClass.initEnum()`).
 * Modified from source provided by enumify (license unlisted / public domain)
 * @see https://github.com/rauschma/enumify
export default class Enum
    * `initEnum()` closes the class. Then calling this constructor throws an exception.
    * If your subclass has a constructor then you can control what properties are added to `this` via the argument you
    * pass to `super()`. No arguments are fine, too.
    * @param {object}   instanceProperties - Provides initial properties.
   constructor(instanceProperties = void 0)
      // new.target would be better than this.constructor, but isn’t supported by Babel
      if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(this.constructor, INITIALIZED))
         throw new Error('Enum classes can’t be instantiated');

      if (typeof instanceProperties === 'object' && instanceProperties !== null)
         s_COPY_PROPERTIES(this, instanceProperties);

    * Set up the enum, close the class.
    * @param {Array|object}   arg - Either an object whose properties provide the names and values (which must be
    * mutable objects) of the enum constants. Or an Array whose elements are used as the names of the enum constants.
    * The values are create by instantiating the current class.
    * @returns {Enum}
   static initEnum(arg)
      Object.defineProperty(this, 'enumValues',
         value: [],
         configurable: false,
         writable: false,
         enumerable: true

      if (Array.isArray(arg))

      this[INITIALIZED] = true;

      return this;

   static _enumValuesFromArray(arr)
      for (const key of arr) { this._pushEnumValue(new this(), key); }

   static _enumValuesFromObject(obj)
      for (const key of Object.keys(obj))
         const value = new this(obj[key]);
         this._pushEnumValue(value, key);

   static _pushEnumValue(enumValue, name)
      enumValue.name = name;
      enumValue.ordinal = this.enumValues.length;

      Object.defineProperty(this, name,
         value: enumValue,
         configurable: false,
         writable: false,
         enumerable: true


    * Given the name of an enum constant, return its value.
    * @param {string}   name - An enum name.
    * @returns {T}
   static enumValueOf(name)
      return this.enumValues.find((x) => x.name === name);

    * Make enum classes iterable
    * @returns {Symbol.iterator}
   static [Symbol.iterator]()
      return this.enumValues[Symbol.iterator]();

    * Default `toString()` method for enum constant.
    * @returns {string}
      return `${this.constructor.name}.${this.name}`;

// Module private ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Provides a Symbol to track initialized state.
 * @type {Symbol}
 * @ignore
const INITIALIZED = Symbol();

 * Copies an objects properties.
 * @param {object}   target - Target object.
 * @param {object}   source - Source object.
 * @returns {object}
 * @ignore
function s_COPY_PROPERTIES(target, source)
   // Ideally, we’d use Reflect.ownKeys() here, but I don’t want to depend on a polyfill.
   for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source))
      const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key);
      Object.defineProperty(target, key, desc);

   return target;