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import ObjectUtil from './ObjectUtil';

 * Provides common math utilities.
export default class MathUtil
    * Compacts a 2D matrix testing entries against a testValue with a default value of `1` for inclusion. The resulting
    * compacted array only has object hash entries for rows that contain column entries that pass the test. Each entry
    * has a `row` entry as a number corresponding to a row index and a `cols` entry which is an array of numbers
    * representing all column indexes that pass the test. This works well for large sparse matrices.
    * @param {Array<Array<number>>} matrix - A matrix to compact / compress.
    * @param {*}                    testValue - A value to test strict equality to include entry for compaction.
    * @returns {Array<{row: number, cols: Array<number>}>}
   static compactMatrix(matrix, testValue = 1)
      const compacted = [];

      matrix.forEach((rowEntry, row) =>
         const cols = [];

         rowEntry.forEach((colEntry, colIndex) => { if (colEntry === testValue) { cols.push(colIndex); } });

         if (cols.length > 0) { compacted.push({ row, cols }); }

      return compacted;

    * Creates an 2-dimensional array of the given length.
    * @param {number}   length - Array length for x / y dimensions.
    * @param {number}   value - Default value.
    * @return {Array<Array<number>>}
   static create2DArray(length = 0, value = 0)
      const array = new Array(length);

      for (let cntr = 0; cntr < length; cntr++) { array[cntr] = new Array(length); }

      for (let i = 0; i < length; i++)
         for (let j = 0; j < length; j++) { array[i][j] = value; }

      return array;

    * Returns the median / middle value from the given array after sorting numerically. If values length is odd the
    * middle value in the array is returned otherwise if even two middle values are summed then divided by 2.
    * @param {Array<number>}  values - An Array of numerical values.
    * @returns {number}
   static getMedian(values)
      // Sort by number.
      values.sort((lhs, rhs) => { return lhs - rhs; });

      // Checks of values.length is odd.
      if (values.length % 2) { return values[(values.length - 1) / 2]; }

      return (values[(values.length - 2) / 2] + values[values.length / 2]) / 2;

    * Returns the percent of a given value and limit.
    * @param {number}   value - A `value` to calculate the percentage against the given `limit`.
    * @param {number}   limit - A base `limit` that constrains the `value`.
    * @returns {number}
   static getPercent(value, limit)
      return limit === 0 ? 0 : (value / limit) * 100;

    * Performs a naive depth traversal of an object / array. The data structure _must not_ have circular references.
    * The result of the `toFixed` method is invoked for each leaf or array entry modifying any floating point number
    * in place.
    * @param {object}   data - An object or array.
    * @returns {*}
   static toFixedTraverse(data)
      return ObjectUtil.depthTraverse(data, MathUtil.toFixed);

    * Converts floating point numbers to a fixed decimal length of 3. This saves space and avoids precision
    * issues with serializing / deserializing.
    * @param {*}  val - Any value; only floats are processed.
    * @returns {*}
   static toFixed(val)
      return typeof val === 'number' && !Number.isInteger(val) ? Math.round(val * 1000) / 1000 : val;