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Static Public Summary

actualize(lloc: function | number, cyclomatic: function | number, operators: function | string | Array, operands: function | string | Array, ignoreKeys: function | string | Array, newScope: function | string, dependencies: function | object | Array): {lloc: Trait, cyclomatic: Trait, operators: HalsteadArray, operands: HalsteadArray, ignoreKeys: Trait, newScope: Trait, dependencies: Trait}

Provides a helper method to format core traits for escomplex processing.

Static Public

public actualize(lloc: function | number, cyclomatic: function | number, operators: function | string | Array, operands: function | string | Array, ignoreKeys: function | string | Array, newScope: function | string, dependencies: function | object | Array): {lloc: Trait, cyclomatic: Trait, operators: HalsteadArray, operands: HalsteadArray, ignoreKeys: Trait, newScope: Trait, dependencies: Trait} source

Provides a helper method to format core traits for escomplex processing.


lloc function | number

Logical lines of code

cyclomatic function | number

The number of linearly independent paths through source code.

operators function | string | Array

An operator carries out an action.

operands function | string | Array

An operand participates in such an action (operator).

ignoreKeys function | string | Array

Provides a list of AST node children keys to skip traversal.

newScope function | string

Creates a new class or method scope for report generation.

dependencies function | object | Array

An import / require dependency.


{lloc: Trait, cyclomatic: Trait, operators: HalsteadArray, operands: HalsteadArray, ignoreKeys: Trait, newScope: Trait, dependencies: Trait}