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import path from 'path';

 * Plugin system for your plugin.
class Plugin {
   * create instance.
  constructor()  {
    this._plugins = null;

   * initialize with plugin property.
   * @param {Array<{name: string, option: object}>} plugins - expect config.plugins property.
  init(plugins = []) {
    this._plugins = copy(plugins);

   * exec plugin handler.
   * @param {string} handlerName - handler name(e.g. onHandleCode)
   * @param {PluginEvent} ev - plugin event object.
   * @param {boolean} [giveOption=false] - if true, event has plugin option.
   * @private
  _execHandler(handlerName, ev, giveOption = false) {
    for (let item of this._plugins) {
      let plugin;
      if (item.name.match(/^[.\/]/)) {
        const pluginPath = path.resolve(item.name);
        plugin = require(pluginPath);
      } else {
        plugin = require(item.name);

      if (!plugin[handlerName]) continue;

      if (giveOption) ev.data.option = item.option;


   * handle start.
  onStart() {
    const ev = new PluginEvent();
    this._execHandler('onStart', ev, true);

   * handle config.
   * @param {ESDocConfig} config - original esdoc config.
   * @returns {ESDocConfig} handled config.
  onHandleConfig(config) {
    const ev = new PluginEvent({config});
    this._execHandler('onHandleConfig', ev);
    return ev.data.config;

   * handle code.
   * @param {string} code - original code.
   * @param {string} filePath - source code file path.
   * @returns {string} handled code.
  onHandleCode(code, filePath) {
    const ev = new PluginEvent({code});
    ev.data.filePath = filePath;
    this._execHandler('onHandleCode', ev);
    return ev.data.code;

   * handle code parser.
   * @param {function(code: string)} parser - original js parser.
   * @param {object} option - default Espree options.
   * @param {string} filePath - source code file path.
   * @param {string} code - original code.   * @returns {function(code: string)} handled parser.
  onHandleCodeParser(parser, option, filePath, code) {
    const ev = new PluginEvent();
    ev.data = { parser, option, filePath, code };
    this._execHandler('onHandleCodeParser', ev);
    return ev.data.parser;

   * handle AST.
   * @param {AST} ast - original ast.
   * @param {string} filePath - source code file path.
   * @param {string} code - original code.   * @returns {AST} handled AST.
  onHandleAST(ast, filePath, code) {
    const ev = new PluginEvent({ast});
    ev.data.filePath = filePath;
    ev.data.code = code;
    this._execHandler('onHandleAST', ev);
    return ev.data.ast;

   * handle tag.
   * @param {Tag} tag - original tag(s).
   * @returns {Tag} handled tag.
  onHandleTag(tag) {
    const ev = new PluginEvent({tag});
    this._execHandler('onHandleTag', ev);
    return ev.data.tag;

   * handle HTML.
   * @param {string} html - original HTML.
   * @param {string} fileName - the fileName of the HTML file.
   * @returns {string} handled HTML.
  onHandleHTML(html, fileName) {
    const ev = new PluginEvent({html, fileName});
    this._execHandler('onHandleHTML', ev);
    return ev.data.html;

   * handle complete
  onComplete() {
    const ev = new PluginEvent();
    this._execHandler('onComplete', ev);

 * Plugin Event class.
export class PluginEvent {
   * create instance.
   * @param {Object} data - event content.
  constructor(data = {}) {
    this.data = copy(data);

function copy(obj) {
  return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));

 * Instance of Plugin class.
export default new Plugin();