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PluginEvent - Provides the data / event passed to all invoked methods in PluginManager#invokeSyncEvent. The event.data field is returned to the caller. Before returning though additional the following additional metadata is attached:

(number) $$plugin_invoke_count - The count of plugins invoked.

(Array<string>) $$plugin_invoke_names - The names of plugins invoked.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(copyProps: object, passthruProps: object, extraEventData: object)

Initializes PluginEvent.

Member Summary

Public Members

data: *

Provides the unified event data assigning any pass through data to the copied data supplied.


Unique data available in each plugin invoked.


Stores any extra event data added to all PluginEvents.


Unique data available in each plugin invoked.


Unique data available in each plugin invoked.

Public Constructors

public constructor(copyProps: object, passthruProps: object, extraEventData: object) source

Initializes PluginEvent.


copyProps object

Event data to copy.

passthruProps object

Event data to pass through.

extraEventData object

Extra event data attached to extra.

Public Members

public data: * source

Provides the unified event data assigning any pass through data to the copied data supplied.

public eventbus: EventProxy source

Unique data available in each plugin invoked.

public extra: Object source

Stores any extra event data added to all PluginEvents.

public pluginName: string source

Unique data available in each plugin invoked.

public pluginOptions: object source

Unique data available in each plugin invoked.