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'use strict';

import _                from 'underscore';
import Model            from './ParseModel.js';
import Collection       from 'backbone-es6/src/Collection.js';

import BackboneQuery    from 'typhonjs-core-backbone-query';

import Debug            from 'backbone-es6/src/Debug.js';

 * ParseCollection - Collections are ordered sets of models. (http://backbonejs.org/#Collection)
 * -------------------
 * This implementation of Backbone.Collection provides a `parse` method which coverts the response of a Parse.Query
 * to ParseModels. One must set a Parse.Query instance as options.query or use a getter method such as "get query()".
 * Please see the `Collection` documentation for relevant information about the parent class / implementation.
 * In addition ParseCollection includes BackboneQuery support which supports local query / sorting of collections.
 * Additional methods: `find, findOne, resetQueryCache, sortAll, whereBy`.
 * @example
 * If using Backbone-ES6 by ES6 source one can create a module for a Backbone.Collection:
 * import Backbone   from 'backbone';
 * import Parse      from 'parse';
 * export default new Backbone.Collection(null,
 * {
 *    model: Backbone.Model.extend(...),
 *    query: new Parse.Query('<TABLE_NAME>')
 * });
 * or if importing a specific model class
 * import Backbone   from 'backbone';
 * import Parse      from 'parse';
 * import Model      from '<MY-BACKBONE-MODEL>'
 * export default new Backbone.Collection(null,
 * {
 *    model: Model,
 *    query: new Parse.Query('<TABLE_NAME>')
 * });
 * or use full ES6 style by using a getter for "model":
 * import Backbone   from 'backbone';
 * import Parse      from 'parse';
 * import Model      from '<MY-BACKBONE-MODEL>'
 * const s_QUERY = new Parse.Query('<TABLE_NAME>');
 * class MyCollection extends Backbone.Collection
 * {
 *    get model() { return Model; }
 *    get query() { return s_QUERY; }
 * }
 * export default new MyCollection();   // If desired drop "new" to export the class itself and not an instance.
export default class ParseCollection extends Collection
    * When creating a Collection, you may choose to pass in the initial array of models. The collection's comparator
    * may be included as an option. Passing false as the comparator option will prevent sorting. If you define an
    * initialize function, it will be invoked when the collection is created. There are a couple of options that, if
    * provided, are attached to the collection directly: model, comparator and query.
    * Pass null for models to create an empty Collection with options.
    * @see http://backbonejs.org/#Collection-constructor
    * @param {Array<Model>}   models   - An optional array of models to set.
    * @param {object}         options  - Optional parameters
   constructor(models = [], options = {})
      super(models, _.extend({ abortCtor: true }, options));

      // Allows child classes to abort constructor execution.
      if (_.isBoolean(options.abortCtor) && options.abortCtor) { return; }

      // Must detect if there are any getters defined in order to skip setting these values directly.
      const hasComparatorGetter = !_.isUndefined(this.comparator);
      const hasModelGetter = !_.isUndefined(this.model);
      const hasQueryGetter = !_.isUndefined(this.query);

      if (options.comparator !== void 0 && !hasComparatorGetter)
          * A comparator string indicating the attribute to sort.
          * @type {string}
         this.comparator = options.comparator;

      // The default model for a collection is just a **Backbone.Model**. This should be overridden in most cases.
      if (!hasModelGetter)
          * The default Backbone.Model class to use as a prototype for this collection.
          * @type {Model}
         this.model = Model;

      if (options.model && !hasModelGetter)
         if (!(options.model instanceof Model))
            throw new TypeError('options.model is not an instance of ParseModel.');

         this.model = options.model;

      if (options.query && !hasQueryGetter)
          * A Parse.Query instance
          * @type {Parse.Query}
         this.query = options.query;

      // Allows child classes to postpone initialization.
      if (_.isBoolean(options.abortCtorInit) && options.abortCtorInit) { return; }



      if (models) { this.reset(models, _.extend({ silent: true }, options)); }

    * Returns a new instance of the collection with an identical list of models.
    * @see http://backbonejs.org/#Collection-clone
    * @returns {Collection} Returns a new collection with shared models.
      return new this.constructor(this.models, {
         comparator: this.comparator,
         model: this.model,
         query: this.query

    * Delegates to `BackboneQuery.find` to return an array of models that match the sort query.
    * @param {string}   query    - A query string.
    * @param {Object}   options  - Optional parameters
    * @returns {Array<Model>}
   find(query, options)
      return BackboneQuery.find(this, query, options);

    * Delegates to `BackboneQuery.findOne` to return the first model that matches the sort query.
    * @param {string}   query    - A query string.
    * @returns {Model}
      return BackboneQuery.findOne(this, query);

   /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
    * `parse` is called by Backbone whenever a collection's models are returned by the server, in fetch. The function is
    * passed the raw response object, and should return the array of model attributes to be added to the collection.
    * This implementation depends on `parseSync` which utilizes the Parse.Query attached to this collection to return
    * a response of Parse.Object(s) which are then parsed into ParseModels.
    * @param {object}   resp - An array of Parse.Object(s).
    * @param {object}   options - Unused optional parameters.
    * @returns {object|Array[]} An array or single ParseModel(s).
   parse(resp, options)
      /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */

      let output;

Debug.log(`ParseCollection - parse - 0`, true);

      if (!_.isArray(resp))
         const parseObject = resp;
         output = new this.model({}, { parseObject, updateParseObject: false });

Debug.log(`ParseCollection - parse - 1 - toJSON: ${JSON.stringify(parseObject.toJSON())}`);
         output = [];

Debug.log(`ParseCollection - parse - 2 - resp.length: ${resp.length}`);

         _.each(resp, (parseObject) =>
            const model = new this.model({}, { parseObject, updateParseObject: false });

Debug.log(`ParseCollection - parse - 3 - parseObject: ${JSON.stringify(model.toJSON())}`);

      return output;

    * Delegates to `BackboneQuery.resetQueryCache` to reset this collections query cache.

    * Delegates to `BackboneQuery.sortAll` to return all models that match the sort query.
    * @param {string}   query    - A query string.
    * @returns {Array<Model>}
      return BackboneQuery.sortAll(this, query);

    * Delegates to `BackboneQuery.whereBy` to return a new collection with the models that match the sort query.
    * @param {string}   query    - A query string.
    * @param {Object}   options  - Optional parameters
    * @returns {Collection}
   whereBy(query, options)
      return BackboneQuery.whereBy(this, query, options,
         model: this.model,
         query: this.query,
         comparator: this.comparator