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'use strict';

 * Bootstraps LocalStorage with the imported / mapped Backbone instance.
 * Exports the LocalStorage class.

import Backbone      from 'backbone';
import LocalStorage  from './LocalStorage.js';
import Utils         from 'typhonjs-core-utils';

import localSync     from './localSync.js';

// Modify Backbone --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Store the original sync function from Backbone.
 * @type {function}
Backbone.origSync = Backbone.sync;

 * Returns the appropriate sync method given optional parameters requesting the default Backbone sync or if
 * the model / collection contains a valid localStorage instance for the local sync method.
 * @param {object}   model    - The model or collection instance to synchronize.
 * @param {object}   options  - Optional parameters
 * @returns {function}
Backbone.getSyncMethod = (model, options) =>
   const forceOriginalSync = options && options.origSync;

   return !forceOriginalSync && (Utils.invokeOrValue(model, 'localStorage') || Utils.invokeOrValue(model.collection,
    'localStorage')) ? localSync : Backbone.origSync;

 * Override 'Backbone.sync' to default to `localSync`, the original 'Backbone.sync' is still available in
 * 'Backbone.origSync'.
 * @param {string}   method   - A string that defines the synchronization action to perform.
 * @param {object}   model    - The model or collection instance to synchronize.
 * @param {object}   options  - Optional parameters
 * @returns {*}
Backbone.sync = (method, model, options) =>
   return Backbone.getSyncMethod(model, options).apply(this, [method, model, options]);

 * Store LocalStorage class in the instance of Backbone.
 * @type {LocalStorage}
Backbone.LocalStorage = LocalStorage;

 * Exports the LocalStorage class.
export default LocalStorage;